LibreOffice project is migrating currently to gerrit code review system. While gerrit provides mail channel out of the box, to install IRC gerrit bot to get notified on all or some gerrit events you are on your own. Thankfully OpenStack project comes to rescue, they have created and extracted simple yet very powerful multi project and multi channel gerritbot. It has 3 prerequisites:
- python-daemon
- python-yaml
- irc
To be configured it needs two files: one for gerrit and IRC configuration and one for mapping of multiple IRC channels to gerrit events. Sample for gerritbot.cfg file:
[ircbot] nick=myIRCgerritBot pass= port=6667 channel_config=/home/gerrit2/bot/channel.yaml [gerrit] user=gerritbot key=/home/gerrit2/.ssh/id_rsa port=29418
libreoffice-dev: events: - patchset-created - change-merged projects: - dev-tools branches: - master libreoffice-infra: events: - patchset-created - change-merged projects: - dev-tools branches: - master
As you can see, we have configured two different channels and mapped the same gerrit events to both. To start you can use gerritbot.init file or just start it as a daemon from the command line with the gerritbot.cfg as argument. Note: if daemon is not started (lock file is not created) then you may experience some configuration problem. While gerritbot still doesn’t provides a logging machinery (why wouldn’t you provide a patch for that?) it might be manipulated to comment out daemonization and run it as a script. Just comment out four lines and call _main() directly. Now you must see configuration problems.
Another problem may occur with IRC channel. These one can be tracked down with irclib. Just turn on DEBUG=1 in on your system and irclib would be very verbose and would tell you the whole truth.
Every time someone upload or commenting something on gerrit IRC bot would say something like that:
logerritbot David Ostrovsky proposed a change to dev-tools: add configuration files for IRC gerrit bot